Saturday, October 30, 2010

Insanity and Sanity-Which Will You Choose?

If you would like to thank anyone for bringing us to the state we are in, in regards to the ECONOMY, look no further than the bleeding heart liberals in Washington. These people's insistence on giving loans to any Tom, Dick, or Harry without regard to credit, job, etc., is what caused the collapse of the housing market and in turn led to the situation our economy is in now. Oh excuse me let me modify the previous sentence any Tyrone, Dewayne, or Hernado. I mean really....Are you liberals so warped in the mind and out of touch with reality to think this would be a good thing. And the republicans shouldn’t get off easy either, they stood by and watched this insanity ensue.
The problem is a fundamental one. The opposing worldviews of sanity and insanity. One side believes in the "crazy" idea that perhaps some people work harder than others and therefore, as a result, will provide for their family and be better off because of their hard work, while the other side believes that the government should be involved in every aspect of a person's life and intrude so much as to try and even the playing field, essentially tying the hands behind the back of those that are...oh how can I say this, well I'll just say it like coach would always say...the cream always rises to the top. Its the same people who believe in little league there should be no score. You know the "everybody's a winner" mentality. Insanity!
Not only this but the liberals believe you should also pay for these people who sit on their ass and get government checks! This sort of thinking is what has led to the disintegration of the black family. The male, the father, is no longer needed to provide for his family because the government is the daddy now. C’mon black America how can you not see this. Do not fall for these insane liberals. Do not let the government be "your daddy." This sort of policy always turns the population into slaves. Yes slaves to the government.
On the other hand, a conservative view holds that we do not need the government in every aspect of our lives. A conservative wants freedom to do with the fruits of his labor what he pleases. In fact this was one of the founding principles of this country. He doesn’t want handouts because he knows what the result will ultimately be...a slave to the system. Less government intrusion upon our lives...this is a conservative view.
This view, readily grasped by any sane individual, is alien to these Dems. Speaking of the economy and government control, they actually would not let banks refuse loans to certain people because they happened to be a minority! The facts be damned! If a person happens to be black or Hispanic, no matter what his or her credit score, just give them a loan or you will have to answer to us, the all powerful federal government. You will be branded a racist, and you know you do not want that to happen. You can really tell the power of the race card when people will actually lose money out of fear of being called a racist. And thanks to this liberal thinking it is costing you- hard working middle class white America (the overwhelming majority of this group)-and you probably won't do anything about it. In earlier times this would not be the case, but now you will just sit there and take it. C’ least take it like a man.
Make no mistake about it, if we allow this liberal insanity to continue, and it is in maximum overdrive under Obama, this country will be a wasteland by 2050. White people will be a minority with the overwhelming percentage of the people being of Hispanic descent. It will be the United States of Mexico. Now if you believe the government should steal from those that work and give to those that don't and that all people are in essence on the same level, or if their not, the ones on top should be brought down lower to other people's level, then continue to support this liberal mindset. If, on the other hand, you do not, then look to candidates that espouse ideas such as limited government, an end to government bailouts, responsible banking, no affirmative action, 2nd Amendment is a right not a privilege, an end to the welfare state that has crippled the black family, Morals, God, no to Socialism, etc...are you beginning to get the picture? Common sense...Sanity...America.
Historically it has been 10 percent of the population that has steered history one way or the other, for good or bad... The overwhelming majority of people are sheep, asleep, letting the forces guide them as they will, whether out to pasture or to the slaughter. This is not disparaging people, this is just the facts. I do not agree with the enlightenment notion of people being cattle and that those on top are better. I believe people are really good at the core, but also stained by original sin. Each having his or her own abilities better than others and worse than others, certainly not equal in everything, but equal in the eyes of God. Not Calvinist, and certainly not secular humanist.
But as far as these sheep go one thing is certain they will be led. Whether by those that wish them to be slaves-liberal insanity- or those that wish for their ultimate welfare- conservative sanity. Will you be one of these Ten Percent that will work for the good of the sheep? You will have to do battle against those that hold to the liberal mindset. But this is the time to make up your mind...Do not sit on the sidelines! Act!!! One in Ten people who read this will do something about it, the other nine will rationalize their way through it with snide comments even though they know deep down it is the truth. This is to those 10 percent that will make a difference and steer the course of this nation. As Benjamin Franklin said, when asked by a lady what they had created, "A Republic, if you can keep it." These words still ring true. He is talking to are the "you." Do not wait on others because they will not come. It is a rare man that contributes to the course of history. If you act now you just may be able to...get!!!

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